“Zero Litter For Mama’s Health”

Statistically Cameroon is ranked 18th amongst the 20 countries in the world with second largest contributor to the maternal and under five mortality rate in the world. We discovered that One of the major causes of maternal mortality in Cameroon is poor environmental sanitation and waste disposal which leads to pollution, that directly affects maternal and child health and welfare particularly in urban cities. Poor environmental sanitation and waste disposal is not only the major cause of maternal and child deaths in Cameroon, which now stands at 690 deaths per 100,000 live births, but also a threat to Climate change. Continue reading “Zero Litter For Mama’s Health”

Our environment our health ! – ZERO LITTER

Health isn’t only what lives inside of our bodies but equally what resides outside and around us ! Look around you, what do you see ? This Mother’s Day we are thinking “WHAT MAMA TAUGHT US” ! Now remember MAMA looking around you as a child. She made sure all harmful objects and substances were out of your reach or sight. So it’s our duty to transcend those learnings. Join us in our significant gesture for all mothers around us, under the theme: “ZERO LITTER FOR MAMA’s HEALTH “ On Mother’s Day this Sunday May 13, 2018; we would be doing an open street clean up of all litter to trigger awareness on bad habits we have engaged in and we really would like you to join us ! We will provide : – Free safety equipment (gloves,Nose masks and jackets) – Tshirts available on request (please order by Thursday May 10th) Raise your hand ?? if you are interested in joining us. #I❤MAMA Learn more about our project by downloading the pdf document below ZERO LITTER