Theme: Every Second Counts Orphanage Outreach

Mother’s Day First Aid and CPR Outreach at Saint Joseph Foundation Orphanage Buea, South West Region, Cameroon.

On this year Mothers Day which was on Sunday the 12th of May 2024, our team had the privilege of visiting the Saint Joseph Foundation Orphanage Buea, South West Cameroon to conduct a First Aid and CPR training project for the children and staff. This initiative aimed to empower the orphanage community with essential life-saving skills and provide vital resources to support the wellbeing of the children.

Our team of certified trainers conducted interactive First Aid and CPR sessions, tailored to the children’s age groups.

The training covered basic life support techniques, wound management, and emergency response procedures.

The staff and children showed great enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, asking thoughtful questions and actively participating in the hands-on training.

Donated Items where made up of

– Fully equipped First Aid Kit

– Hygiene products (toothbrushes, toothpaste, hygiene pads, soap, etc.)

– Educational materials and resources (School bags)

– food items and refreshments

The project’s impact was multifaced:

– Enhanced knowledge and skills: The children and staff acquired vital First Aid and CPR skills, enabling them to respond confidently in emergency situations.

– Improved safety: The donated First Aid kits and supplies ensured the orphanage is better equipped to handle accidents and injuries.

– Boosted morale: The project showed the children they are valued and cared for, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Our Mother’s Day First Aid and CPR project at the Saint Joseph Foundation was a resounding success. We are grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of these remarkable children and dedicated staff. By providing essential skills and resources, we hope to have contributed to a safer, healthier, and happier environment for all.

Join Us in Making a Difference

If you’re looking for a meaningful way to celebrate Mother’s Day next year, we invite you to join us in spreading love and support to those in need. Whether it’s volunteering your time, donating essential items, or sharing valuable skills, every act of kindness makes a difference.

Together, we can create a world where every child feels empowered, valued, and loved. This Mother’s Day, let’s honour the true spirit of motherhood by giving back and spreading love to all.










Every child is a family’s dream and millions of those dreams are extinguished each year from preventable causes.

Improving maternal and infant welfare in rural areas – a Goal Happy Mother Happy Child set out to accomplish with a first aid and CPR trainings for mothers . On Mother’s Day Sunday, 08 May, 2022 Happy Mother Happy Child Provided First Aid and CPR Training to Mothers in the Nkwen neighborhood in Bamenda, Cameroon.

With mobility being challenged and healthcare becoming a luxury , many children are expected to be at risk and as such we want parents in such volatile localities to become first responders in case of any emergencies , hence reducing infant mortality rates and preventable deaths.
In partnership with Talk Pregnancy with doctor Noella, over 50 women in Nkwen were sensitized on issues such as burns, cuts, choking, convulsions this Mother’s Day .

Coupled with our signature way of celebrating rural mothers with our « I❤️Mama » cupcakes.

Upon completion of the 4 hour training, the women testified through a random questionnaire that they are now able to:

– Recognize and respond to First aid, Cardiac and Breathing Emergencies in Children.

⁃ Provide immediate shock & Burn Care

⁃ Airway Obstruction

⁃ Bleeding

⁃ Wound care

⁃ Choking

⁃ Sprains

There’s no time to study when an infant or child is in trouble because time is always a factor. You must respond on the fly.

Date: Sunday, 08 May, 2022

Venue: Hope Baptist Church Hall Ndamukong Bamenda, Cameroon

Time:12noon -3pm









No Mother deserves to lose a child from preventable causes like Choking, Bleeding or Convulsion etc.
Join Happy Mother Happy Child, in Collaboration with “*Talk Pregnancy with Dr Noela”. on Mother’s Day Sunday, 08 May, 2022 at 12 noon in Bamenda.
Free Goodies for all Mothers who attend. ???
Tag a Mother/Someone who needs this.

MOTHERS DAY 2021 In the Nguelle Community of Douala Cameroon.

What if we told you many mothers due to poor living conditions and the inability to provide and care for themselves, end up losing their babies due to terrible health issues ?

On this Mother’s Day, Sunday, 09 May, 2021, we SHOUT “NO MORE PREVENTABLE INFANT AND MATERNAL DEATHS”.

We embarked on a program to support internally displaced women (pregnant and just given birth)living in poor conditions with our “Mama’s Safe Natal Kit”. Supporting them with basic needs to protect themselves and offering them free medical support and advice and providing them an emergency contact info to address health risks.

Our partner Hospi Mobile provided sensitization and discussions on family planning – a very essential tool in their lives.

The kits contained:
-anti malaria bed

  • feeding bottles
    -6 reusable napkins
  • dettol
  • thermometer
  • a health tracking card

We equally sealed the activity with the distribution of our signature I love Mama cupcakes to celebrate, and bring joy to vulnerable women and mothers . What would Mother’s Day be without some gifts and sweetness?

Special gratitude to everyone who purchased a kit, in support. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers who raised us and those who filled those shoes even without knowing.

mothersday2021 #MWF #ilovemama #communityhealth #usembyaounde #maternalhealth #infanthealth ?


Grant writing workshop for NGO leaders in Cameroon: Bafoussam Session.

A major challenge faced by NGO leaders in Cameroon is identifying a problem and being able to get funds to solve the problem identified. Despite the number of funders willing to fund project proposals being able to convince a funder that a problem exists and you have identified a suitable solution to the problem becomes another challenge.

The capacity building workshop for NGO leaders in Cameroon has as objective to :

Train leaders to be capable of developing a proposal idea.

Know the main outlines of a project proposal.

Establish and maintain a relationship with funders.

Strategies to successfully implement a funding project.

Train leaders to be able to train others on grant writing skills.

This training is to run across three Cities in Cameroon for three days in each City, training 20 NGO leaders per City beginning with Bafoussam. The Bafoussam session ran from Monday 17th of May 2021 to Wednesday 19th of May 2021.  The three- day workshop brought to light multiple tactics and methodologies to apply while writing a solid grant proposal, the training was covered by Prof. Jesse Lutabingwa from the Appalachian State University who covered end to end process using workbooks, activities and assignments making every trainee worthy of their workshop completion certificate.

The trainees where well equipped with all the materials needed to effectively carry out a training to train others on the skills they got from the grant writing workshop.

The workshop was wrapped up with an award ceremony, a testimonial and tip sharing session by a Mandela Washington fellow Manka’a Yvonne sharing her experience on project and grant writing. In a typical Cameroonian way, the cohort and team presented a gift of appreciation to our trainer Prof. Jesse Lutabingwa for the wealth of knowledge imparted.

We remain grateful to our sponsors the US Embassy and partner Green farmlands on delivering a great session for NGO leaders in Bafoussam.

Next Stop – Another city


Mama Safe Natal Kits

Imagine the most beautiful gift in the world is snatched away from you because you were unable to cater properly for. Yes, imagine a mother losing a child just because the basic survival items were considered a luxury for her.Many mothers like Eli (physically challenged person) here have been affected by the ongoing unrest and survival is already hard hence catering to a new born is even more difficult. With barely a plate of food to eat every day, she has skipped antenatal and so have many mothers like her who are internally displaced and can’t afford it.

Our Mama’s Safe Natal Kit is in response to the plight of many mothers and our goal to reduce infant mortality deaths especially with items such as an anti mosquito bed and health tracking card with an emergency contact number. (Hospi Mobile)By purchasing a simple pack of cupcakes – you indirectly are donating towards helping more mothers like her find joy and safety in motherhood.

All purchases go towards providing a safe natal kit for a poor woman in need. Alternatively , you can chose to donate an already set kit to a mother who relies on your support to see her offspring grow.Donate today ! Or make your purchase as we prepare for Mother’s Day coming up May 9th,2021 where we plan on helping over 20 mothers.#ilovemama#mothersday2021#MWF#supportmothers#maternalhealth#ChooseToChallenge#healthiswealth#communityservice#usembyde#UNWomen


 2nd Sunday of May is celebrated as international Mother’s Day, a day dedicated to thanking mothers for their tireless efforts, contributions, unconditional love, and sometimes completely unnecessary sacrifices. Mother’s Day 2020, A Mother’s Day like no other! ??

What would Mother’s Day be without a little sweetness and love ? But then again, what would Mother’s Day mean if only a select few get to celebrate and others don’t ?
In moments like these where everyone’s strength and resilience are tested, and especially mothers who have to play 1million and 1 roles; we want to say we see their struggles and appreciate their care. ??
At HMHC this Mother’s Day ,10/05/20; we set out to spread some kindness to all mothers regardless of what social strata they belong to, through our I❤️MAMA cupcake giveaway and nose masks distribution. In Makepe Douala Cameroon, we took the streets to distribute over 100 cupcakes and 50 nose masks to local roadside sellers and petit trader mothers, encouraging everyone to stay safe, protect themselves, all while making them feel special and appreciated. ??
Happy Mother’s Day to all mamas! ??

mothersday #internationalMothersday #Ilovemama #hmhc #mwf2018 #usembyaounde #yalilearns #humanitarianaction #covid19 #staysafe #motherslove #cupcakegiveaway #changemakers #maternalwellbeing #237community #parcequejesuisabu

Women’s Day Our Way

Women’s day our way !!

Cognizant of the fact that our maternal and infant mortality rates are still not at optimum, and with our goal to promote infant and maternal welfare in Cameroon, Happy Mother Happy Child in collaboration with Young Mothers Initiative set out to celebrate international women’s day 2020 in a special way. This collaboration worked to ensure the over 216 mothers, women and children at the Mboppi Baptist Hospital in Douala Cameroon benefited of our unwavering support through donation of gifts such as basic hospital sanitary needs, baby diapers and encouraging pep talks to our patients. We believe that to successfully celebrate women’s month, we must equally take action to remove/reduce the barriers that threaten and limit women, girls and children from thriving and attaining their full potentials such as health and safety. We appreciate the effort and support of our volunteers and the hospital management in making this happen.

“To achieve an equal world, we have to ensure that the significant gaps caused by maternal and infant mortality are reduced, and push for better survival rates for women and children who are potential leaders. #EachForEqual welfare!”

IWD2020 #womensday #infantwelfare #womenchangingthenarrative #generationequality #maternalwelfare #hmhc #ilovemama #mwf2018 #USEmbYaounde #cameroonwomen #eachforequal #healthrightsarewomemsrights


Did you know that CHILDREN IN AFRICA are still at high risk with HIV and AIDS? Over 80% of infected children live in Africa. At Happy Mother Happy Child, it is imperative that our education focuses on the role they play in our communities to fight this virus/disease. So we set out this year, to talk to children of ” THE EDGE BILINGUAL NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL ” Bonaberi, Douala who believe in the ability of their children to change the world.

Over 50 pupils participated in a POETRY COMPETITION Organized by Happy Mother Happy Child on the theme “End HIV and AIDS” and 3 of the kids emerged as winners.
The children discussed their fears, their knowledge on how HIV/AIDS can be contracted and we closed off by debunking the myths and stigma around it as well as how it can be prevented.

With over 200+ children sensitized, we believe they know they have a role to play in ending HIV.

Happymotherhappychild #USEmbYaounde #onelifeoneworld #mwf2018 #usembyaounde #betterworld #endhiv #endhivcommunitybycommunity