On December 1st each year Happy Mother Happy Child joins the world to commemorate the World AIDS Day. AIDS is a chronic and potentially life threatening condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). About 36.9 million people are living with HIV in the world and only 21.7 million people are receiving treatment . 1 in 4 people with HIV do not know that they have it.
More than 600,000 people in Cameroon live with HIV, Out of every 100 HIV positive people in Cameroon, only 47 know their status. In the early stages, HIV has no symptoms, the only way you can know is to do your HIV test…Get tested and know your status. Considering that Happy Mother Happy Child is out to promote maternal and Child health and wellbeing, in commemoration of the 2018 World Aids Day, we organized a Garage Sale under the theme “CLEAR YOUR CLOSET TO SUPPORT MOTHERS AND CHILDREN LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS” where we did auction sales to raise funds to support Mothers and Children Living with HIV/AIDS. In the course of the Sale, Hospi Mobile, an Organization that works to ensure universal health coverage for all carried out a Free HIV/AIDS Screening.
This gave opportunity for people in the Makepe community to get free HIV/AIDS screening and know their Status. About 300 people were tested, out of which about 150 were women and girls, and about 20 children. Together we will build a healthy and wealthy environment for mothers and children. I Love Mama.