ADOPT A GARDEN PROJECT “No Child Goes To Bed Hungry”.

Mandela Day calls on people from around the world to dedicate at least few minutes of their time to making a difference, its on this note that Happy Mother Happy Child decided to Collaborate on the Adopt A Garden Project by Green Farmlands to ensure that “No Child Goes to Bed Hungry”. Thanks to all our supporters and volunteers.

At the end of the day, a Garden comprising of crops like Okro, garden egg, okonghobong, huckleberry, pepper, mint etc was adopted by the team to ensure that children of the Arnille-Marie handicap center bonaberi Douala have food all year round. Teach a child to fish and it will never depart from him. In the spirit of Madiba, we pledge to make every day a Mandela Day. I am because we are, how can one be satisfied when others are hungry. Living our Mandela Legacy for Africa.

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