It all began sometime in October 2018, in the city of Douala, we had a phone call from one of our mothers, she was screaming, yelling and panting heavily. We could barely get a word from what she was trying to say all we kept hearing was “Mon fils, mon fils”, suddenly the phone went silent. After investigations we discovered her son suffered a seizure, she was confused and knew nothing to do, she panicked and further endangered the child’s life by putting items in the child’s mouth and did other wrong practices which unfortunately cost the child’s life.This left us devastated and pushed us to think of how we can work to prevent such catastrophic incident from ever occurring again. This let to the birth of the “EVERY SECOND COUNTS” program on the 13/10/2018, aimed at equipping Parents, youths and children with basic First Aid and CPR skills. Its been 1 year we pioneered our program, from home visits, to awareness campaigns across different cities in Cameroon, to hands on practical training sessions, to going digital through online trainings. In a country like Cameroon where access to health care and emergency response is a struggle, it is important for civilians to be armed with life saving skills which they can use to provide timely and useful assistance as need be. One became two, then three and here we are on thousands and counting. We are grateful for the results we are achieving one step at a time.Together we will be a brother’s keeper and stamp out preventable deaths in Cameroon. #firstaid #who #EverySecondCounts #CPR #HMHC #ILoveMama

International Day of the Girl child 2019

International Day of The Girl Child 2019
Just like MAMA, It is the DAUGHTER who makes the HOUSE a HOME . On “International Day of the Girl Child”, we call on all parents to Empower their GIRLS for a better world.
She should be raised to have the mind of a champion!
She should be taught never to settle for mediocrity! Nurture her! Love her!
And you’ll see the positive ripple effect on humanity!
— GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable


CSO Connect Cameroon First Edition , September 1, 2019

Happy Mother Happy Child is changing the narrative one mother at a time, one child at a time and of course… one network at a time ! We were thrilled to pioneer on the first ever CSO CONNECT in Douala CAMEROON, bringing together people from various milieus to share ideas on how to build sustainable partnerships. Our goal on September 1st 2019, together with our partners to this event ; Green farmlands , Manda Foundation, IBAfrica, and Brokers; represented by Atim Mbah, Tabit Sandra , Primos M Kenah @Achobom Kenyu and ourselves Ngweka Queen , Velveeta Viban was to create a platform where organizations (Non profit and profit ) can develop strategies that are mutually inclusive and beneficial for community development.
The CSO Connect hence opens up a platform for all organizations to network, partner, share best practices and opportunities that respond to the challenges we all face. The participants came from different fields such as Social Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, volunteers, students and civil servants. It was a great turn out and everyone left enriched and ready to foster change.
We are motivated to ensure that this CSO network grows beyond boarders and create a collaborative force to be reckoned with in Cameroon. To be able to join this network we urge you to follow our page CSO Connect